Happy 1st Birthday

Happy Birthday Kelsey!

1 year!! this has been the most amazing year of our lives! 7:31pm Thursday, November 4, 2010 our baby made her way into our lives. weighing in at 7.2lbs and 20.5 inches long she was the most PERFECT baby we had ever seen.

watching her grow over this past year has been an amazing journey.  she is full of energy, fearless and very funny! she gives looks that tell you exactly what she is thinking. she has started shaking her head no. TO EVERYTHING. she is “talking up a storm” the only words we understand are dada, mama (she only says this when crying), ball and no (or go?). she has started mimicking us and my favorite word she mimics is bird – it sounds like burrrr.

she is already showing her independence. she loves to sit on the couch on her own on the opposite corner of us. she is on the verge of running (i think away from us). she loves bailey – petting her, finding her in the house, feeding her dog treats and feeding her human treats from the high chair. i think bailey is starting to like having a baby toddler around (just for the food).

k loves to dance! especially to Maroon 5’s “Moves like Jagger”.  she throws her hands in the air, spins in circles and bounces her knees. (video to come soon)

she is still an amazing eater! some of her favorites are strawberries, eggs, beans, cheerios, veggie patties, bananas, frozen waffles, chicken…the list goes on and on. she is still adventurous enough to try everything which i hope never changes.

since k NEVER sits still (and getting a picture of her laying down is impossible) i decided to take her 1 year pictures in her new chair.

side note: i don’t know how many of you know this but the day k was born a few of us had a bet going of her birth weight and length. i won! i guessed her weight exactly and was 1 inch off of her length (i guessed 21.5). i got the satisfaction of mama knows best!!! 🙂

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1 Response to Happy 1st Birthday

  1. Great Aunt Della says:

    Cannot wait to see you on in Vegas. She’s perfect. She couldn’t be anything else with her genes and parents! Love you all, and miss you much.

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